Honeywell Whole House Air Purifiers

A Honeywell whole house air purifier system can be the final piece in the total clean house puzzle. As homes become more air tight with advanced energy efficient technologies the air inside will become more stagnant, unless steps are taken to keep fresh clean air circulating throughout. With that in mind this article will take a look at how a whole home system works and the filtering components that make it up.

But first let’s take a look at why homes, particularly newer homes, need an air filtering system. The simple answer is… the air in most homes is of poorer quality then the air outside. But why?

As homes have become more energy efficient they have become “tighter” so to speak. This means the exchange of air from outside to inside is almost non-existent. This is exacerbated in climates where opening windows to allow fresh air in is not advisable.

Adding to this problem is the increasing use of household cleansers that release polluting fumes into the indoor air space. Also consider the increasing use of synthetic materials in household items (ie plastics) that are known to release pollutants it’s easy to see how the air inside is becoming less and less healthy.

In a normal home the air is filtered through one of those little one inch thick filters that slide underneath the furnace. Overall these do an okay job of filtering larger particles, but that’s about it. For truly clean and healthy air you need a layered whole house system.

Honeywell provides this with several types of filters that can work alone or in conjunction with one another. The first line of defense is a Honeywell HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arresting) filter. The holes in a HEPA filter are only 0.3 microns in diameter, effectively capturing the smallest of dirt and dust particles, and in many cases bacteria, viruses, and molds can also get caught in them.

Another advantage of the HEPA filter is the way it’s constructed. The filter material is folded over on itself many times creating a large filtering surface area. This means that large amounts of air can be filtered at a highly efficient rate, removing up to 99.7 percent of all airborne particles.

The second type of filter in the Honeywell arsenal is the electronic or electrostatic filter. This works by placing a charge on any and all particles that pass through the HVAC ductwork in a home. As these charged particles pass through the filter they are drawn to charged plates, much like a magnet, and held there until the plates are cleaned. These electrically charged air purifiers are normally 95 percent effective in removing particulates from the circulating air supply.

The third type of filter to consider installing is a Honeywell ultra violet air purifier. While third on the list a UV filter should be installed in front of either the HEPA or electrostatic filters. A UV filter is the ultimate defense against germs, viruses, and molds. The intense UV rays emitted effectively neutralize and kill these micro-organisms, rendering them harmless to your family. Further by installing the UV filter at the front of the filter chain the dead micro-organisms are easily removed from the air stream before it is returned to the supply side of the homes HVAC system.

A Honeywell whole house air purifier system gives the homeowner a complete air filtering system that will effectively manage and remove air born particles and pollution. Installing such a system will give the piece of mind that they are breathing healthy clean air. Top 10 recovery machines

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